- The_Chosen_Oreo wrote:
- lol you shouldnt need to edit pathing to do drunken walk should u?
isn't it just get rect or w/e around the player and order target a point inside that rect every x amount of seconds.. or something like that?
That would just be fighting for control by mass clicking like seren said
Not a very fun mechanic
- Serenity09 wrote:
- ah that'd be a lot easier than what i was thinking
i meant for the units path to be kinda curved while having the effect seem natural
like how if u order a unit to patrol a really far distance, it arcs its path (hate this)
but the more i think of it the less i think it'd work in a game
its one of those things thats really cool in idea but really tedious in effect
possibly the effect for being drunk is only being able to issue orders directly in front of the unit
or at least very close to the unit
that seems like maybe fun, but most people do this most of the time anyways
I was thinking more like having the unit stumble around (but not like oreo's way)
Like this:
The event would be 'unit is issued command'
Conditions would be 'triggering unit == demon hunter' and 'command issued == move'
Actions would be:
if drunken[(owner of(triggering unit))]==true
'unit - cancel last issued command for (triggering unit)'
if stumble==1
'unit - order (triggering unit) to move to ((position of (triggering unit)) offset by (convertInttoReal(distance) towards convertInttoReal(direction) degrees)
Every time the player clicks theres a 50% chance they stumble
And when they stumble they go in a random direction and a random distance
So mass clicking will probably get them killed immediately
This trigger would be like if you were completely shit faced out of your mind
A 50% chance of stumbling will probably be make it impossible to win
So some testing would be needed to find out what a good balance is, 10% might be more reasonable (you could have different levels of drunkenness if you wanted to)
Also you could use some math to make the direction be more controllable
So that they still move in the vague direction that they want by using the point that they issued the order to
Having the direction be in the vague direction they clicked might make for better gameplay then just them having absolutely no control over where they go
You can do the same with the distance, instead of it just being random, you can use the difference of the triggering units position and the target point of the issued order so that they move the same distance in that vague direction (but a minimum distance would need to be enforced so that they cant just click 1 pixel in front of them)
You might not need to cancel the last issued order either
I havent tested it
You could let their order go through, wait a split second and then generate the rand number for stumble and then do the rest
That way they would start moving in the direction they want but then suddenly start moving in some random direction
Only problem with that is mass clicking fast enough would bypass the trigger completely (cause of the wait)