I hate dota, with a passion
Dota has so many flaws:
The recipe system is a pain in the ass
Agi heroes are imbalanced
Int heroes suck late game
Theres quite a few bugs (picking more then 1 hero, free insta respawning, vision glitches on certain inclines/areas)
Item effects stack in weird ways
The hotkeys were never grouped together well, and to use an item you have to use the numpad which is all the way across the keyboard
I like the general gameplay concept (build a hero, kill enemy base), but there was just too many things that made me dislike it
And I hate it cause its hosted too much, it consumes the wc3 game list like a virus
I had to put that before I started posting about a copy of dota called Heroes of Newerth (which im going to call HoN from now on)
So why would someone who hates dota post about (or even play) a dota clone
Im posting because HoN is awesome, and Ill get to why I even played it in the first place later
HoN fixed everything thats wrong with dota, and improved it
The recipe system is still there, but the layout is better, and its not as tedious (you can select a recipe, and a sub menu comes up where you can buy the items that make it)
Heroes are more balanced, theres an actual magic resistance stat which works like armor to spells that works much better then the wc3 way
The interface is improved, selecting your hero is much better, full stats and spell descriptions are shown, and you can open the shop without moving your cam to the shop (if you buy stuff when your not near the shop it goes into your stash, which is actually part of the interface instead of a circle of power
The hotkeys are improved, you can change them to w/e you want
Theres stat tracking, sorta like ladder, you get a lvl, a win %, and all your kills deaths and assists are saved between games
Theres no lag, everything feels more responsive then wc3 dota
Theres stuff thats not possible in wc3 dota, like certain attack modifications, and spells
The graphics are 10x better
Theres 3 maps right now, more can/will be added, theres the normal dota map from wc3 (remade to look better), theres a 3v3 map thats 4x better then the normal dota map, and theres a 1v1 map that i havent played
If you like dota, then youll love this
If you hate dota (but like the general gamplay concept), then youll like this
The only reason I even played this game is cause its made by S2Games, they made 2 other games, which ive played in the past, and really liked, so I gave it the benefit of the doubt
Right now its free, but at some point it will cost $20-$30 (which is when i wont play it)
Getting a key to play it is kindve hard though
The official site is here:
http://beta.heroesofnewerth.com/main.phpOr you can try here:
http://heroesofnewerth.com/You might get a blank page, with just a background, that means theres no keys left to give out (officially), or it might put you at a sign-up page where you need a key, I cant log-out to see what it will say for you
Theres also an official facebook for it:
https://www.facebook.com/heroesofnewerthIt possible to get a key from there, but highly unlikely
If you cant get a key from any of the above, PM me if your really interested and ill give you a less official way to get one
If you have an account, my name on it is the same as here, so add me to your freinds list, i wont be on for the rest of today though