Me and mark made TMMM on sc2
I named the clan The Mazing Myrmidon Masters [TMMM]
I didnt mean to spell mazing like that, it just came out like that and i didnt notice before clicking create, so its spelled logically now
I dont know if random people can join the clan channel, only way i know how to get to the clan channel is through the groups menu but it only shows up there if your already in the clan
As far as i can tell you cant just type the channel name like you can in wc3, and on top of that you can only invite people that are on your friends list, so it needs some work
Also theres no 7 day wait period so i was able to promote mark to officer (shammy) instantly
It seems you can do everything you could with wc3 clans and a bit more, but the disband clan button is no where to be found so i have no idea if its even possible to disband a clan
There are no peons anyone that joins can be promoted right away, grunts are called members, shammy is officer, and chief is leader
This patch is the best 1 in years, it redesigned the UI to make more sense for mouse, before it was like the menus were supposed to be used with a controller
Its not perfect though, you have to go back to the main menu to select something else (similar to how you have to go back to the channel in wc3 to select something else), rather than just selecting it from the top, but everything is much easier to get to, taking only 1-2 clicks where as before it would take 3-6 to get where you wanted to go at times (it can actually end up being the same if you decide to go back for whatever reason, but most of the time its better)
Channels have also been brought onto the main menu rather then in 2 sub menus
Mark didnt even know channels existed until this update (even though theyve been in for years) since getting to them before was dumb
I intend to start playing again