Ive been making a bunch of different gimmicky decks just for fun, most of them suck, but for some reason druid seems to be the best for this kind of thing
So heres a few silly/fun druid decks that dont suck
Shut up and Draw 2.0http://www.hearthhead.com/deckbuilder#cMzV7zcl7Mc47Mmh7MkM7zRI7Maq7Maf7MqK7zbT7zbv7Mb37zfo7MfE7Mid7znm7znV7zxG7Mxy8qWe had like 3 or 4 days where the meta was control heavy back in september when i made the original deck, then people realized hunter didnt even need buzzard and aggro came back
I didnt give up on this deck though, i really like the idea and its a lot of fun to play so i changed it up to try to make it work better in an aggro meta
I cut the dancing swords, after using them for awhile they just suck, they were left over relics from the mill half of the deck, i replaced them with 2 deathlords at first which was great vs aggro but devastating against control, basically i cant play deathlord against a control deck because i have no good way to fix it when they pull something amazing and i cant rely on silencing them every game
I basically just wait to play it until i can silence it or if i think i can silence it before they are able to kill it
Having 2 dead cards like that against those matchups was too much even with the insane card draw the deck has so i cut 1 for mind control tech
MC Tech is really good vs aggro and can help a lot in those control games where i lost control, people rarely play around it, and 1 deathlord isnt usually a disaster in control games (i just wont play it unless i have wailing soul in hand) and will carry me in aggro games
I cut healing touch too, again its a card left over from the mill half with the idea of "ill need to heal during the fatigue wars" but that almost never happens and when it does its not even needed so i replaced it with mark of nature, it lets me activate watchers or buff something to suddenly change the math to get a good trade, it also works well with the black knight if i need it to remove something
I also dropped 1 sunfury for 1 defender of argus, i noticed that 2 sunfurys rarely helped vs aggro and argus is better vs control so i switched it around to see how it played and i think its better
Overall i think the deck is much better, it can actually beat hunter and other aggro, i just need watchers, some activation for the watchers and/or deathlord, sometimes i can get away without those with innervate or swipe
The deck still counters control very hard
Im still trying to shove wrath in there, the only things i would cut are 1 argus and 1 panda for them but i dont really want to cut those
I cant really play druid anymore because its level 60 now so i probably wont change it again, at least not until the expansion comes out
Cliff Druidhttp://www.hearthhead.com/deckbuilder#cMzV7Mzl7Mcn7Mmh7zoG7zkk7zRI7zsX7Maq7zbv7Mra7MfE7MwW7Muc7zGo7MAf7Mno7zya7zxL8qI just wanted to use alarmobot and made an extreme ramp druid for it
I was surprised with how often alarmobot actually works
Games with this deck are pretty much just me playing a huge guy and the enemy killing it in increasingly expensive ways until he just burns himself out and cant continue, its actually kindve boring if the game gets to that because im not actually making plays or any real decisions, just keep throwing big guys out until they run out of answers
Alarmobot can do some pretty amazing things though and is where most of the fun comes from, there have been several games where i turn 1 innervate alarmobot with a ysera or rag for the alarmobot to pull and it ends up working out for a turn 2 huge minion, its happened enough times for me to say its not just a fluke its a legit combo for this deck
Even if alamobot doesnt work out i have swipe/keeper/wrath/mountain giant to carry the early game, aggro is still difficult, sometimes i get a hand where the only option is to concede because ill have ysera rag and kel or something
Bush Rapehttp://www.hearthhead.com/deckbuilder#cMzV7zcr7MkF7Mk17MRc7MRI7MRC7Maq7MqK7zbn7Mbt7Mbv7Mra7Mwg7Mid7zhz7znm8qSo i had 2 quests, druid or rogue dominance and the meek shall inherit, the sensible thing to do would to make backspace rogue but that seemed boring so i made murloc druid instead for it
I expected to lose a bunch of times, but at least complete the meek quest fairly quickly
But instead i kept getting put vs hunter and while they did the usual deathrattle thing i was just hitting them in the face forcing them to trade into my stuff
I got matched vs the standard hunter 8 times in a row, won all 8 games before it started matching me against other decks
Once i got matched against control decks i saw how bad this deck was, i started losing to 1 taunt minion, so i swapped 1 murloc raider out for black knight and suddenly it was winning even against control
It feels weird to play to me, i dont normally play aggro so i dont like just hitting the face but that seems to be the best way to play it
Its silly but fun when the murloc synergy actually works, boring when it doesnt
If i had a 2nd murloc warleader id replace 1 keeper for the other warleader