Druid:Constructed: I think this is a great card in a mech deck probably will be a staple, druid is lacking good 2 cost minions so this fills that spot, it also has good flexible stats (people wouldnt waste silence on it)
The taunt it has will mostly be irrelevant, but in those situations where it is relevant it should be great for you as a chump blocker to protect something more valuable
So yeah a good card
Arena:Its a great pick in arena, the flexibility with its stats will let you get amazing trades in many situations, especially if you have shattered sun cleric to follow it up with
Its more likely to be silenced into a 2/2 in arena but even in that case, its fine, worst case is coin keeper of the grove since that has 4 hp and trades really well for your 2/2, but coin keeper trades well against most 2 cost minions anyway so w/e, its also possible GvG will add a minion that silences as its battlecry that has at least 4 hp and 2 attack, but it probably wouldnt be an early game card so should be fine
During the early game all you minions basically have taunt in arena, so again the taunt will be irrelevant 90% of the time, unlike constructed though the other 10% of the time wont always be good, sometimes you want them to skip past your minions because you have some lethal combo in hand and need a minion to live to deal that bit of extra damage you are missing, a lot of the time people wont spend 6+ dmg on a 3/2 so your crappy early game minion will end up living in the late game and give you the extra bit of damage that you need to win, because it has taunt that will never happen with this so 1% of the time the taunt aspect of this card will screw you, the remaining 9% of the time it will save you in some way
Constructed:I have no faith in this card, 7 attack gets hit by BGH, its 6 hp will allow your opponent to mill you in some situation by filling your hand with spare parts, its 6 mana which already has a lot of good cards competing with it
This might work in mech ramp, if mech ramp is a thing, but i think there are better 6 cost cards
And yes, i see the auctioneer potential (its actually insane if you get the spare part that gives stealth to a minion), i plan to try a miracle mech druid once i have these cards, but i dont think it will work, theres too many conditions that you have to meet that it just seems impractical
Arena:This is the boulderfist ogre counter, spare parts can be fairly useful, BGH isnt that common in arena, and the 6 health is good enough to survive most things in arena, a solid pick imo
Hunter:Constructed:This card has no room in the current meta game, and i dont see it being good during the upcoming mech meta
Its a very meta dependent card so i cant really predict how good it will be, my first thought is its a slightly better farsight so i consider it below average
Its also too unreliable, rhino, highmane, krush and the new hunter legendary are the only good cards to pull with this, anything else is pretty bad unless you have snapjaw/tiger/buzzard in your deck for some reason, in that case its not bad if the card you draw is 1 of those
Arena:Your deck needs to be very specific, having a lot of 3-6 cost beasts, when i say a lot i mean like 50% or more of the deck are beasts
Even then id think of it as a poor pick and would only take it if the other 2 options were garbage
So other than that very specific circumstance which will almost never happen i would never pick this
Constructed:Again, no place in current meta, but this isnt meta dependent like the last one
If it actually survives to attack you can easily rig it to kill the opponent the turn it can attack, it also would be safe from poly/hex because people would want to spend that on highmane so either 1 of your highmanes isnt poly/hexed or this isnt so should be good
I really like this card, its the first step to a true control hunter, might actually be enough to make a mech/beast hybrid control hunter if hunter has a good mid game or late game mech card, i have high hopes for a deck like that, will def try making 1 if i get the cards for it
Arena:This is insane, good stats for its cost, 9 hp is a bitch to deal with in arena, should get 2 attacks in at least, 1 on a minion to kill it and 1 to face for 12 damage
If it gets more than 2 attacks in and they cant deal with it you just win, its ridiculous
Constructed:I.. I dont even know what blizz is thinking with this card, its insane
In the current derpy standard hunter deck its too slow and doesnt do enough (it also take a space in the deck which can be used for something that can hit face)
But in a control hunter deck this is 10x better than reincarnate, which was already an amazing card for shaman in deathrattle decks
Worst case its as good as reincarnate is in reincatnate's best case, best case it acts like playing multiple reincarnates for 2 mana
Arena:A terrible pick, your deck would need to be ridiculously deathrattle heavy to make this card a good pick, even then it would need something like cairne, sneed, or sylvanas too
So i never see myself picking it
Constructed:This is like a mini auchenai soul priest, it should help control hunter because the main reason control hunter doesnt work is because their hero power sucks for a control game
This could make that better, but at only 3 hp it will die quickly so maybe not
Arena:2 mana 2/3 is decent enough, in the late game its like a much better iron forge rifleman, 4 mana 2/3 with battlecry: deal 2 damage
Id say its a great 2 cost pick
Constructed:Im pretty sure they added these to counter miracle decks, and i think its a pretty good counter, kindve, miracle can have multiple minions up at a time under conceal so you wont always be able to use it properly
I would perfer to just have a card that removes stealth to counter mircale decks, but at least this is something
Other than that match up this card is pretty good in an agressive meta, decent in a midrange meta and pretty bad in a control meta, its another meta dependent card (obviously in a miracle meta its a must have)
Arena:Im pretty sure its a bad pick, probably, maybe not bad but below average
The number of minions people play in arena makes it hard to fix the board to make this effect hit what you want with 100% certainty, if you are behind it wont really help you get ahead, if its even its a 1 for 1 exchange, and i guess if your ahead it could lock in a victory in many situations
So im conflicted about it, would have to use it to make sure its not good
Constructed:I think it could work in a mech deck, but that 4 hp is pretty bad, really only worth playing when you have a mech out already and it really needs to either kill something or help you kill something to be worth it
Other than mech decks it wont be played
Arena:Generally i think this will be a bad pick, the 4 hp sucks
But if you have, idk, 4-6 early-ish game mechs in your deck already it could be worth picking
Constructed:This will be an auto-include in mech decks, but its actually not that great, its 3 hp means it will only freeze 1 minion most of the time
I dont see it being used in decks that arent mech decks, mage has better 2 cost options
Arena:A good pick, its basically a vanilla 2/3 for 2 and will trade 1 for 1 in the early game most of the time, but in the late game it could potentially freeze a high damage minion and buy you a turn to get lethal or to get an answer to prevent your death
Id pick it over most other 2/3s but i dont think id pick it over any 3/2 other than bloodfen raptor or if i already had a good number of 3/2s, or if a had a couple shatter sun clerics
Constructed and Arena:This card is just stupid, seriously, it pulls any minion from any class and puts it in your hand
Webspinner's RNG was already bad enough, any beast, but this is just ridiculous, i plan to make a post about RNG in card games (hearthstone specifically) so ill talk more about this there but there needs to be some kind of limit to RNG for it to still take some skill to use
Theres no skill to this card so theres no point seperating it into arena or constructed, its the same in both, i really hate it, worst card mechanic released so far imo
But enough complaining, it should actually be a pretty good card in terms of winning games, its a much much much better farsight (and a slightly better call pet, though call pet has other benefits), it costs 1 less than farsight and gaurentees a minion and since it generates a card from no where it doesnt really take a spot in your deck
Farsight wouldnt actaully be that bad if it was 2 mana or if it was still 3 but put a copy of a random card from your deck into your hand and made it cost less rather than drawing
I think it will be a good pick in arena and used in most mage decks in constructed, even mech ones
Constructed:In theory this card can kill infinite minions but setting it up to do that is just impractical and easily countered with a source of 1 damage
Putting divine shield on something before it can attack and use that shield almost never works so i just dont see it being good
That 3 hp is way too low to actually be playable, and for 5 mana its just crap
I might even disenchant it if i end up opening it, though i would test it out first
Arena:A garbage pick imo, not even worth it if your deck is already mech heavy unless your other 2 choices when this comes up are even worse garbage
5 mana, 3 hp, putting diving sheild on it prior to being able to attack are all really bad things in arena
I actually like this cards mechanic, its just a shame it seems unplaybly bad
Constructed:This could help pally in the early game, so i think its good over all, costing 3 mana might be bad
I think it could work in any type of deck really, even aggro, though midrange pally will benefit the most from it
Midrange mech pally with this in it seems like it could be good, although they need a good class mech
Arena:This is insane imo, a great pick, its an epic too so if it comes up i dont think theres any other epic id pick over this one (if it was against sea giant id have to think about it)
Giving divine shield to the minion you played on turn 2, using it to kill something for free and being able to attack into w/e else they play is amazing value
Even in the worst case its a storm foraged axe without the overload and storm forged axe is pretty good in arena so yeah i think id pick it any time it was offered
It should be named "Call to Arms", its clearly a better name for it, Muster for Battle is like a broken translation of Call to Arms
Constructed:This should make blessing of kings and other buff cards better, sword of justice works with it, the 1/1s are buffed then the weapon is replaced
I can see a lot of combos that use this card, but i dont know if any of those combos are good
Its like when i thought stoneskin gargoyle would be good in paladin/priest because of the combos you can do there, i thought divine spirit/inner fire could actually be viable
It turned out that those combos were still unreliable and usually bad and it seems like this card will be the same kind of thing
Arena:I have no idea if this will be good or not, the 1/4 weapon is basically free so its better than lights justice even though the weapons are the same
Id think a normal 3/3 for 3 would be better in most cases, theres really no reason to have multiple 1/1s out in arena unless your deck has a good amount of buff cards to take advantage of it, and the free lights justice that comes with those 1/1s isnt really worth it
I will probably avoid picking it but that could be wrong, ill consider it below average but not bad for now