ArenaArena is much harder than it used to be, people are making better decisions and building better decks
It used to be that the first 3 arena matches were against people that kindve sortve understood basic plays but built terrible decks, so the real arena started at the 4th match, basically you got 3 free wins at the start unless you got screwed hard by rng
But now only the first match is a free win, and sometimes not even that
Its changed the ranking of a few cards for me
Demolisher: My ranking for this has gone way up, if you play it at the right time, usually at turn 5 with a 2 cost minion, after the early game fight, it stays up for a long time and does amazing work, ive come to think of it as a smaller, crappier version of rag
The only time its bad is if you lost the early game completely, but you probably lost the game at that point anyway so w/e
If the early game is even or if you came out ahead demolisher on turn 5 will lock the game into a win for you most of the time, even if you play it later, or if their turn 5 is a big guy after you play it, it can help you clean bigger guys up too and let your weak guys trade up
Pyroblast: My ranking for this has gone down, slightly, i will still pick 1, but i dont consider it the "I win" button that i used to since games are a lot closer now and having pyroblast sit in hand isnt helpful
It used to be that if it was pyro vs sea giant id pick pyro without question in all cases, but now i might consider picking sea giant instead, its probably the only epic id pick over pyro
Starving Buzzard: Obviously the nerf to this card has dropped my ranking of it to basically unplayable/never pick in both arena and constructed
Arcane explosion: My ranking for this has gone up slightly, people are making better trades and as a result a lot of their stuff ends up at 1 hp, they think its fine since mage cant hero power all of the 1 hp stuff, but arcane explosion can punish them for that and surprisinly swing the game back in your favor better than flamestike does in some situations
Id still pick flamestike over arcane (im not crazy) but arcane is almost as good if not better some of the time, if i got a spell power minion, like archmage or geomancer i will pick it over even good quality 2 cost minions (if i already have a good number of decent quality 2s)
ConstructedIve decided im going to attempt to reach legend this month, like arena constructed is also harder now
I started at rank 21 because i barely played ranked last month
From rank 21 to 17 i played my shut up and draw druid, and a hybrid mage thats half freeze and half midrange value that i made with the new meta in mind
After hunter was nerfed i figured control would be popular, handlock would be the most used deck and in casual mode thats what i was seeing, but people at rank 20-15 dont care, they still play aggro hunter (just without buzzard), zoo, aggro mage, and aggro priest, pretty much the only decks i saw from 20-15 (21 had newbies with basic cards, poor guys had to face my epics and legendaries) and my decks expect a control meta so i hovered around rank 17 (i dropped to 18 by the end) until i switched deck types
I started playing aggro mage, i just copied this deck exactly: was the aggro mage that i had seen so many times while playing my decks
Really i just wanted to see how it works because i didnt understand how i could lose to it with my hybrid freeze mage, honestly i didnt get how it could win at all, it has barely any card draw and no way to hold board control
I played it from rank 18 to 14, lost 2 games, both vs priest, and i realized why it works, its just really fast, much faster than other aggro decks, it gets a ton of damage in with minions early and finishes with spells, if it cant get that dmg in early, or if the damage is out healed it looses, its also really boring to play, you basically just topdeck and hit face, the 1 fun combo is knife juggler into mirror image for 2 damage and its not even that fun
Once i understood that deck i switched again, to priest, i figured if people are playing these aggro rush decks i may as well craft cabal shadowpriest and steal their stuff, so i made this deck: is insanely good in the current meta, its basically the same as the aggro deathrattle priest deck, but more midrange, i went from 14 to 11 without any trouble at all, every game was really 1 sided, i lost 1 game, the last one i played, to another priest that had a similar deck to mine, he kept thoughtstealing my thoughtsteal so i couldnt keep up
The constant thoughtsteals were annoying so i took a break after that
After rank 14 i started hitting non-aggro decks like shaman, handlock, and control warrior, it was mostly handlock
I swapped out a holy nova for a defender of argus for the buffs and the extra taunt, i had enough early game that it hit 2 things most of the time
At rank 12 i swapped mindcontrol out for a 2nd shadowword death as i needed to kill giants faster i couldnt just sit back with MC in hand, i swapped the argus out for kel thuzad the buffs and extra taunt wasnt as helpful as id hoped and kel seemed to fit really well
At rank 10 i started hitting hunter, lots of hunter, i was really surprised at how many hunters there were, there was so much hunter that i swapped out a thoughtsteal for shadow madness, took kel out for 2nd holy nova, and took the 2nd death out for smite which powered through the hunters to rank 9 where i stopped playing because i was tired of fighting hunter
I had lost 2 stars at 10 cause of hunter, almost dropped to 11, which is when i made those changes
Its weird how 2-3 card changes can change a matchup so much
Also, something i noticed, everyone is including bgh and black knight in their deck, i think handlock is being hard countered by everyone
Some aggro wont have bgh, as far as i can tell, but they all have black knight
And something else i noticed is that the ladder is a lot more layered than it use to be, meaning people playing non-hunter aggro are mostly stuck at rank 20-15, handlock is stuck at 14-11, hunter aggro is stuck at 10-9 (possibly more, idk yet)
Last time i went from rank 20-5 decks were spread out fairly evenly across the ranks, but now its just 1 style of deck after another every 5 or so ranks, it makes it somewhat easier as you can make changes to your deck for that specific layer but more boring because you see the same decks a bunch of times until you rank up a few ranks
BotsBots have become a major issue in constructed, every game against shaman was a bot (except 2, 1 was a normal shaman, the other was playing the deck that shaman bots use manually, it was really weird to see), and like 1 out of 7 of the other games from rank 20-11 were also bots with most of them being rank 20-15
You can tell by the way they play that they are bots, the targeting arrow glitches out, and the time between actions is very regular and usually slow
They all play aggro hunter (with sea giant in the deck) zoo, shaman (with bloodlust), or aggro mage, the shaman and hunter bot is terrible, the zoo bot is average, and the aggro mage bot is the best one (mainly because all it needs to do is play the cards it draws as fast as possible and attack face)
I was really surprised to see a shaman bot at rank 11, how it got that high i have no idea
I didnt see a single bot from rank 10-9, it was nice, hopefully that continues
Its pretty much blizzards fault that there are so many bots though, making golden hero portraits take 500 wins in a type of game where bots can actually win some of the time was just dumb