the singer from bon iver + post rock techno behind him
if you're into really good lyrics:
same singer lots of diff styles
for the people who like dubstep and lyrics
Achilles.42 Commander
Subject: Re: More music! Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:50 am
You're saying that 'float on' isn't modest mouse's only song? interesting. If they have anything else then it hasn't stuck in my memory, but "cocorosie werewolf' is pretty awesome.
Ok i dont listen to much Cash, but i do love this song
My fave kid cudi songs for the past few months
Hollywood undead - They're darker, but i really like them because i enjoy the deliberate exaggeration with the lyrics. If you've read life of pi, it's the same type of idea to me.
Some of my fave happy stuff. Some of it's stepdub and scrilzlix. whatever those words mean.
BackseatDriver Captain
Subject: Re: More music! Wed May 01, 2013 4:18 pm
If you are into lyrical genius the following is perfect for you:
If you want to sit back and relax with some nice and soothing music:
If you want a song that isn't about Kim Kardashian:
If you feel like rocking out:
If you want a classic 80s song:
If you are looking for the perfect first dance song at a wedding:
If you want to fuck a dog in the ass:
If you want a song that is not well known:
If you want a song that all of the cool kids are listening to:
If you like big butts and you cannot lie:
And those are all of the songs that I have ever heard.